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Reputation Management Services

Personal Reputation Management Services

Personal reputation repair using best practices & legitimate strategies


Personal Reputation management Services

Personal reputation repair using best practices & legitimate strategies
personal reputation manager services

Online Reputation Guru !

Result Driven Personal Reputation Management Agency

Online Reputation Guru is one of the most trusted and result driven Personal reputation management agency. We know exactly what it takes to protect your reputation online. For us it’s all about providing the services that give you the peace of mind and a fair chance in life you deserve:

personal Reputation Management

Who May Need Personal Reputation Management?

Anyone, from an individual to business owners and executives may need to manage their reputation at some point.
When people hear the term personal reputation management, they commonly assume that a politician is under some controversy.

Or they might think of a celebrity whose reputation has become questionable because some paparazzi caught them at some moment.

Indeed, celebrities get a lot of press! But, every individual has a reputation– small or big. And every person’s reputation is important in their social circle, whether vast or small, and therefore must be taken care of.

Talking about business owners, if they ignore online reputation management, it can cost a lot once the reputation is damaged.

They can’t raise money for a new project. Also, their reputation may be linked to the company so closely that having a bad reputation may affect their business revenues. The result is that they may face personal and professional losses.

expert reputation manager

Who Need Personal online Reputation Management Services?



Personal Reputation Management for Hospitality Owners

The hospitality business facilitates tourism and entertainment activities. The following companies are part of this industry:

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These owners run their business based on the objective of providing a pleasant customer experience. Therefore customers have high standards and expectations from the services.
Since customers spend a lot of money when checking in at a hotel or dining in, they want their experience to be worth it.

Considering these facts, one may conclude how important personal reputation management is for revenue growth and getting regular customers. Since restaurants and hotels can have a huge list of reviews, poor remarks about owners can have a negative impact on the business. But consulting with an online reputation guru can save time and effort while bringing excellent results. We at Online Reputation Guru understand how vital reputation management is for businesses. Therefore, we facilitate business owners to take control of their online reputation by offering them methods and resources that are very successful at meeting each industry’s particular needs.


Personal Reputation Management for Doctors & Healthcare Business Professional

People are very particular when it comes to the health of their loved ones. Thus, professional reputation management for doctors is crucial. People always look at online reviews of healthcare professional before they book an appointment or a consultation.

According to Forbes:
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Positive ratings from previous patients were the most influential factor in customers’ choice of providers. Consumers read between five and six online reviews on average.

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59% of respondents stated that a positive reputation (a four-star average rating or higher) impacted their provider selection.


Nearly 40% of respondents claimed that average ratings of fewer than four stars would stop them from making an appointment. Even if another provider referred them.

personal reputation

When a person or their loved ones undergo a clinical procedure, they must be sure they are in good hands. So, whether a person is looking for a dentist or going to have surgery, they will first look for the health facility and their workers, and that is where online reviews play a significant role in gaining potential clients’ trust.
Our online reputation management service can highlight positive reviews on the healthcare provider’s website. Clinics and hospitals can use a review widget to display their top internet ratings to attract customers and increase appointments.
Furthermore, replying to all reviews is the most effective technique for increasing client satisfaction and credibility. An online review monitoring tool ensures that all reviews are addressed and can boost patient trust. Our agency ensures businesses know how to monitor and respond to reviews while getting excellent results.

personal reputation


Personal Reputation Management for Fintech and Finance Professionals

Banks, investment firms, and credit unions deal with their customers’ hard-earned money. Just as health is an essential aspect of people’s life, trusting someone with their finances is another crucial factor most clients are extremely careful about.
Moreover, there have been many scandals and controversies related to the finance industry. For this reason, many financial sectors need help to bounce back.

Bank owners need to develop an online reputation strategy that helps build trust and maintain client relationships.
All this happens with sensitive customer services where the client’s financial and personal data is confidential.

Using a reputation management service to track and reply to online reviews is crucial. The most effective online reputation management campaigns can respond to all online reviews, increasing their reputation and building client trust.

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Ready to Connect?

With the digital world readily displaying every area of our lives for all to see, there’s never been a better time to take back control of your reputation.

negative personal reputation

So what's the ultimate cost of having a negative personal reputation?

Well, it is higher than you may think. People may believe that only an enormous scandal about themselves may lead to its collapse. This, however, is different. Thinking the minute negative reviews can not harm them until a massive PR failure happens is entirely wrong. Here we will burst the bubble by telling you three critical ways a negative personal reputation can harm you and your business in the long run.

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1. You May Lose Customer

It may come as no surprise that a bad reputation of a CEO or brand owner may lead to a loss of business, but it is still worth exploring According to a Cone Communication survey, 4 out of 5 buyers change their purchasing decision after reading negative information online Can you afford to lose 80% of your company's potential customers who find out about you online and get a negative impression of you? (which may be the first and last impression.) Surely not. Therefore, you must keep a regular check on what is being said about you online. And this is where our Online Reputation Gurus will help.

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2. You May Lose Talent

Even though it is understandable that you lose a major chunk of prospective customers with a bad reputation, that's not all you are losing. Negative comments and posts, and can prove a human resource nightmare, primarily when recruiting new talent. Just as customers check online before buying anything, candidates will also review a company’s owner before applying for a specific job. Candidates preferably don’t apply for a company with a poor image of its CEO– how terrible does this sound?What happens next is that the company keeps on missing out the talented candidates only because of online reviews. It will directly impact productivity, quality, and ability to command market share within your industry effectively.

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3. Loss Of Morale

While you are on the verge of losing potential customers and candidates, chances are you will also lose employees you already have. According to a Glassdoor post, 84% of employees would consider quitting their current job if they received a job offer from a company with a good reputation. A negative reputation can quickly influence overall corporate morale and risk passive candidates in your organization getting lured away by your competition. You can quickly fall into the same lather, rinse, repeat cycle described above - losing morale and the current workforce impacts productivity, quality, and market presence.

expert reputation manager

bad Reputation

What To Do When Stuck In A Bad Reputation?

Sadly, there are many ways by which your ex-employees, customers, and competitors can post negative reviews about you. How would you counterbalance that activity if you are unaware of what is being said in the first place?

You have to know everything to ensure your reputation comes across in a positive light for potential customers. It is, therefore, highly recommended that you incorporate strategies to constantly manage and monitor your online reputation– if you want to protect yourself and your business. This practice is essential for everyone worldwide who wants to generate new leads and customers using the internet.

Once you get negative reviews, removing it is no easy job– almost impossible in most cases. But the world doesn’t end here. Online Reputation Guru handles those situations for you and builds positivity around them.

If you want to kickstart on the right track, evaluate your current online reputation initially

best results

Personal Reputation Management Approach for Best Results

Our online reputation management approach is simple, where one of our dedicated gurus will be assigned to your project and work with you one-on-one.

Here is the step-by-step approach:

Brand Reputation Management Expert
our results

Personal Reputation Management Experts You Can Trust

Examining reputation, assessing reality, detecting and filling gaps, and keeping track of changing beliefs and expectations will take work. The CEO must assign someone the responsibility of carrying out these tasks.
At Online Reputation Guru, we work in your best interests by treating you as a person first and a client second. It’s a simple approach to ensuring you have everything you need to safeguard your career and protect your reputation against whatever life may send you.
To make it happen, we work on your case as if it were our own, spending the time to get to know the specifics of the industry you work in and the people you’re connected with.

See What Our Satisfied Clients Have to Say About Our Personal Reputation Management Services

Ravi Nakum
Ravi nakum CEO of a Fintech Startup

Online Reputation Guru, helped us in pushing all the negative and unwanted press to page 5 with in budget and campaign timeline. Highly recommended Agency for brand reputation management services.

Samantha Mer
Samantha Mer Real Estate Professional

Chit & team were really communicative and helpful during the entire process. We were struggling with negative articles on Google. This team helped us building a positive online image for our firm.

Aimi Johnson
Amie Johnson Instructional Designer

We hired online reputation guru to build and manage our eye-ware brand's online reputation management campaign. They are amazing and we are very happy with the results they have produced.

    So if you own a business, paying attention to what people say about you and your services online is crucial. Roughly 97% of today’s consumers search online for local businesses that offer what they need.

    If they see anything negatively impacting your company, your capacity to attract and keep clients will suffer greatly


    90% of consumers say online reviews affect their purchasing decisions.


    79% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations.


    92% of consumers have more trust in data obtained online than information obtained from a salesperson or any other source.


    80% of consumers change their opinions about a business because of negative reviews.

    If they see anything negatively impacting your company, your capacity to attract and keep clients will suffer greatly

    personal Reputation Management Expert


    Personal Reputation Management Services for Individuals

    When you want to be able to protect your reputation with help from the experts, all you have to do is ask. Here are just a few of the ways we can help:


    Some Tips to Help you Builds Strong Personal Reputation

    The best type of online reputation management practice occurs even before a negative review or comment is posted on a review website or social media platforms.
    People learn from mistakes, and so do business owners. They are starting to incorporate proactive reputation management techniques into their business model and are still waiting for the controversy to happen.
    While removing any negative comment or post is almost impossible, there are certain things that authorities can do to make things less noticeable and have the least effect on their online reputation. Some of the most effective methods are:

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    Practicing corporate social responsibility:

    Research shows that most customers expect companies to improve the world, even if it has nothing to do with the brand's goal. Because CEOs represent the company's public face, they must openly support a social or environmental cause and make driving change part of its business strategy. Niels B. Christiansen, CEO of the Lego Group, is a good example of this, having obtained the number-two spot on the Reputation Institute's list of most reputable firms by implementing a series of CSR initiatives, including plant-based Legos.

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    Engaging on social media:

    Some owners don't see value in putting effort into managing online reputaiton on social media. They find it a waste of time and a breach of their privacy. However, they need to understand that being active on social media platforms is one of the most proficient ways a CEO can incorporate to project a positive image of themselves. The reason is that search engines rank the content posted on social media highly. Thus, such content will be visible to anyone searching for that name. Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff uses his social media accounts to support anti-discrimination policies that protect LGBTQ people. In doing so, he generates great goodwill for himself and his company.

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    Getting involved in the community

    There is another excellent way by which CEOs can build a positive reputation; it is by making contributions to their local communities. Another good way for CEOs to build a positive reputation is by contributing to their local communities. This could include sponsoring a local little league team or helping distribute backpacks containing school supplies to underserved children. Volunteering at a local charity is another option. For example, Tim Baxter, the CEO of Samsung Electronics of North America, boosted his image in 2015 by participating in a Sleep Out event for New Jersey's Covenant House.

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    Becoming a thought leader.

    CEOs can establish an industry authority and gain the trust of customers and similar company stakeholders. Some common ways of doing so include:

    All leaders should remember that the purpose of thought leadership is not to sell anything but to help others.

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    Ready to Connect?

    With the digital world readily displaying every area of our lives for all to see, there’s never been a better time to take back control of your reputation.

    What Are Misconceptions Regarding Online Reputation?

    There are certain myths and misconceptions regarding online reputation management going all over the internet that we want to bust today.
    While some think it is nearly impossible to regain your reputation once damaged, others believe there is a way out by buying a good one. Check these common Online reputation management myths that you should stop believing now to keep your business going!

    step 1

    It is impossible to control Online Reputation Management.

    It’s true that you cannot control what people say about you, but there is a professional manner to deal with customers and respond to their negative reviews.

    When you devote some time to respond to both negative and positive customer reviews, you are building a trusting relationship among your present and potential customers by letting them know you value their feedback.

    Take a bad review as an opportunity to improve yourself. Tell your customers you will go above and beyond to fix their problems.
    The way you respond to your reviews says a lot about you!

    personal management services
    personal reputation check

    step 2

    There Should Be No Reputation At All.

    This is wrong on so many levels.

    We agree that bad reviews can adversely affect your business, but what good will no reputation do? Having no reviews raises questions and suspicion regarding the brand amongst potential customers.

    Because more than 90% of customers read online reviews before purchasing, a lack of reviews may lead customers to prefer a competitor over your business.

    step 3

    Negative Reviews Can be Deleted

    It may seem like an easy fix, but when you delete negative reviews, you are causing damage to your business.

    Deleting bad reviews gives the impression that you are trying to hide something and don’t value your customers enough to consider their experience.

    It’s better to address the issue directly and show them you are taking all the necessary steps to fix it.
    Remember that many third-party platforms, such as Google Business Profile and Yelp, only enable you to remove reviews if they violate their platform’s terms of service.

    reputation services
    reputation services

    step 4

    Online Reputation Management Takes Time and Money

    Online reputation management can be inexpensive and time-saving, mainly if you invest in the right place.

    Our online reputation management services at Online Reputation Guru offer businesses a lowcost platform for increasing online credibility and search engine optimization (SEO).

    We provide unmanaged and managed programs to meet various needs and budgets. When our potential clients consider putting their business’s future in our agency’s hands, we ensure their brand does not have a negative reputation (or no reputation at all!).

    Online Reputation Guru Agency provides various services to help individuals build, protect, and improve their online reputation. Some of the services we offer include:

    Research and analysis

    Online Reputation Assessment: A comprehensive analysis of your online presence, including social media accounts, search engine results, and other platforms that may impact your reputation.


    Reputation Monitoring: Monitor and evaluate your online presence to track any bad mentions, reviews, or comments that may harm your reputation.

    content strategy

    Content creation and Management: Producing and managing positive content and online assets such as professional profiles, blogs, and social media accounts.

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    Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Strategies for improving search engine ranks and pushing negative information down in search engine results pages.

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    Crisis Management:A strategy for dealing with any issue that may harm your reputation, including developing a response strategy, engaging with stakeholders, and limiting damage.

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    Removal Services:Remove any bad content that appears in search results. Branding is the process of developing and handling your brand, which includes messaging and visual aspects that support a positive reputation.

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    Digital Marketing:Using digital marketing tactics to boost visibility, credibility, and online reputation.

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    Public Relations:Help with media relations and online press management, including securing interviews and appearances.

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    Reputation Repair:Repairing any previous damage to your reputation with customized marketing and strategies.


    Why choose our agency?

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    Our agency has 8+ years of online reputation management experience.

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    We're Based in USA and India.

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    We're a 50+-strong family.

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    IP Adhering

    IP Adhering & 100% white label services.

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    No packages, customized strategies.

    24/7 Icon


    High quality services.

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    Research & consulting

    Research & consulting - based approch.


    What makes us different from the rest of the agencies?

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    One aspect that sets our agency apart is our communication and solution-oriented approach. If you contact our online reputation management agency, you will receive responses quickly.

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    Your reputation is no joke, and we take it very seriously. During the campaign, we do not engage in black/gray hat practices that may lead to further negativity.

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    Custom Strategy

    We do not use canned or cookie-cutter solutions as online reputation gurus. Each project has its own set of requirements, and each campaign strategy is tailored to those objectives.

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    As a reputable online reputation management firm, we exclusively provide high-quality services without compromising quality. We guarantee high-quality work throughout the campaign.


    Free Reputation Consultation

    Discuss your options with an expert. Get answers to questions about the best way to proceed, timeline, pricing, and much more.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Personal Reputation Management FAQ's

    Personal reputation management service helps individuals monitor and manage their online reputation. It involves tracking online mentions of an individual’s name, brand or other relevant keywords, and managing the content that appears in search results related to them.

    Personal reputation management service uses various strategies to help individuals monitor and manage their online reputation. This includes monitoring search engine results, social media platforms, and other websites for negative content, responding to negative reviews, and creating positive content to push down negative search results.

    In today’s digital age, individuals’ online reputation can have a significant impact on their personal and professional lives. Negative online content can damage their reputation and affect their career opportunities, relationships, and overall credibility. Personal reputation management service can help individuals to protect their online reputation and ensure that positive content is more visible.

    The cost of personal reputation management service varies depending on the service provider and the level of service required. Some companies offer basic monitoring services for as little as $300 per month, while more comprehensive services can cost thousands of dollars per month.

    Personal reputation management service cannot remove negative content from the internet, but it can help individuals to mitigate the damage caused by negative content. This can be achieved through creating positive content, optimizing search results, and responding to negative reviews and comments.

    The time it takes to see results from personal reputation management service varies depending on the severity of the negative content and the level of service provided. In some cases, results can be seen within a few weeks, while in other cases it may take several months to see significant improvement.

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    Ready to Connect?

    With the digital world readily displaying every area of our lives for all to see, there’s never been a better time to take back control of your reputation.
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