How to Clean Up Your Online Reputation in 2024?
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Online reputation has never been more important than it is in 2024. Most of the time, whenever a person’s name comes up, we go like, “Let’s Google it”.
What comes next is all the info related to the person – the social media accounts, the news, the biography, career info, and whatnot.
However, not everyone’s online footprints are positive.
Many individuals or even celebrities have negative information about them all around the web. Guess what? – that’s their bad or negative online reputation.
And it won’t go well if someone searches their names online. If someone is to hire a person or work with them on a project, the person’s online reputation can make things a little difficult.
But what then? Can a bad online reputation be fixed? Is there a way to clean it up?
Well, there is – in fact, there are multiple ways to clean up online reputation, such as:
- Remove negative results
- Request negative content removal
- Get help legally
- Push down negative results
- Own a personal domain
- Create a blog on your website
- Link all your positive results to your content
- Start a community or be active in one
- Build a strong a social media presence
- Use LinkedIn effectively
Now, let’s talk about all of them in detail.
First, Remove Negative Results
So, you have pointed out the negative results, and the red flags. Now is the time to remove or delete those negative results (if it’s possible).
It will be easy to delete the results that you have control such as the form of blogs, websites, or search profiles.
However, it’s going to be hard or in some cases impossible to delete the results that are not in your control.
In that case:
You Can Put a Request for Removal
If the negative content is ranking on the top or first page of search engines, it will damage your reputation badly.
To get them removed, one way is to ask the website owners who are hosting your negative content. Outreach them and be polite while doing so. Explain to them how the content they are hosting on their site is hurting them.
Remember that being rude won’t help or threaten to sue them. So, be calm and composed while making removal requests.
Further Reading: A No-Fluff Guide to Requesting Content Removal from Google
Get Help Legally
If request removal doesn’t work and negative content has put your life in a mess, it’s time to take some legal action.
Sometimes, sharing sensitive personal information about someone online is illegal. The advantage of this can be taken. Also, look for copyrighted content because that can be the ground of a legal scenario.
Online defamation case is also something that can be pursued against the publishing site. But make sure you are careful and have evidence and backing for all the claims.
Secondly, Push Down Negative Results
You know what? – deleting negative search results won’t work in every case. Matter of fact, deleting works very rarely. That being if you are lucky.
But that doesn’t mean that you can’t fix your negative online reputation. If you can’t delete it, you can suppress it. Yes, suppression. But how? Suppression of negative search results works when positive content is created, promoted, and positioned on the search engines in such a way that it outranks the negative content.
It’s all about making the person a positive brand using techniques:
Own a Domain First
Doing this is very important. Having a personal website shows how authoritative your online personality is. It instills a sense of trust in the people who are searching for your name.
A personal website only costs a few dollars per year. On the website, you can showcase what you do, about your career, a little bit about your personal life, and share positive content related to yourself that can further help clean up your online reputation.
Be Authentic
Yes, be a real person. This is the first step to establishing a position of reputation online.
Everything related to you must be real, authentic, and as it is in real life. Real name, legitimate social info, a professional and clear photo showing your face.
Create a Blog on Your Website
It’s not that you have to become a writer or something. Instead, share some blogs on your website (from time to time) that would showcase your expertise, what you do, and what’s going on in your life.
Blog is something that is ever-trending and search engines prefer websites with blogs. The more you are active with blogging on your website, the more your website and blog content will be shown on the search engines.
Link All Your Positive Results to Your Content
Segregate all the content you’ve been publishing whether it’s on your website, your LinkedIn, your other social media platforms, etc., and link it with the positive results that you have.
The positive press releases, the news stories, the videos, and whatever else that’s positive out there, link them all with your content and social profiles.
Start a Community or Be Active in One
One of the most trending things in today’s internet space. Choose a niche related to your expertise, and what you do and start a community related to it.
Ask people to join the community online via your social media handles. The best way to take your online community to greater levels is to stay active in it every day, engage with the members, and share valuable stuff in it.
Your activity in the community is important as it signals the search engines and the internet web that you are a real and authentic person. Just make sure nothing negative or red-flaggish is thrown up.
If you aren’t interested in starting a community or don’t want to take the toll of managing it – just be an active member of anyone else’s community. Be active in it, share positive stuff and you are good to go.
Be Professional and Showcase Your Skills
Create a professional aura of yours online. Show that you are mature and intelligent. Add some professional videos and photos online.
YouTube, Behance, Flickr, LinkedIn, etc. Are some of the platforms that allow you to do so?
One important thing is that make sure there are no typos or grammar mistakes while you do all the stuff online.
Thirdly, Build a Strong Social Media Presence
Social media is the absolute essence of the internet. A person who’s regularly active on social media platforms reflects to be of a positive character and is given more weightage when it comes to job screenings.
In case you are looking to clean up your online reputation, having a good social media presence can be your biggest weapon. Here’s how you can use it:
Be Present on Social Platforms
You can’t ignore the social media aspect of the internet. No, no – not at all.
If you are a working professional, get on LinkedIn, get on Twitter, get on Facebook, and get on every good social media platform out there.
Doing this will help you create a personal brand of yours. Doing this will allow you to connect with other professionals online. Doing this, ultimately, will allow you to share positive content related to yourself that will eventually suppress anything negative that is related to you on the internet.
LinkedIn is Effective – Use it Correctly
Don’t just create your profile on LinkedIn and leave it as it is. Update it instead – add as much information as you can to it.
Connect with as many people as you can, like their posts, comment naturally, and engage with people on the platform.
One of the most underrated things on LinkedIn is recommendations. Recommendations are showcased on every person’s profile and if you ask for recommendations and get some positive ones, then that’s some positive content related to you online.
Be Careful with What You Share on Social Media
One of the best advice for people who are new to social media. Think, think twice, think thrice before you post anything on social media.
We get it – you want to clean your reputation and you are positing as much positive as you can but there must be some capping, and there must be some caution that should be practiced.
No vulgar comments, no embarrassing posts, or no illegal info – and most importantly no negative comments even if anyone is provoking you to do so.
Once your goal of reputation clean-up has been achieved, put on the post filters to prevent engaging in negative social media stuff.
Do Not Connect with Anyone Randomly
Always think before connecting with anyone online. People are going to send you requests and will want to connect even if they don’t know you. But you don’t have to do the same.
Before accepting any request, make sure to research who the person in question is, and what their online presence, good. bad? Are they going to influence your presence negatively?
Only after some initial assessment, accept any connection request.
Be as Active as You Can on Social Media
Don’t sign up and show up after months. You’ve got to stay active on the social media platforms daily. If you can’t do it daily, do it on alternate days.
Search engines prefer showing up profiles of people on the SERPs who are active unless your social media handles won’t show up on the top of search results if you are not active.
Some Tips Before You Start Cleaning Up Your Online Presence
Google Your Name
Yes, you have to Google your name. Most probably, anything that there is on the internet about you will show up when you type in your name in search engines like Google.
If someone wants to know about you, and needs your background, your past info, and other things related to you, search engines are favorable places to do so.
But you don’t just have to search your name and go around looking at the info that appears. Rather, take note of:
- All the positive and negative results that appear on your name
- Top 30-40 results that appear on your name
- Your active profiles and inactive profiles
- Your social media profiles, especially the ones that are public.
People who are sharing your name on the internet. Is it being shared in a negative way? On purpose?
Some advice – if you have any old-time profiles on the internet such as one from college time or a gaming account or something – try to update it or delete it if possible.
The social media accounts shouldn’t be wholly public. Instead, use partial privacy options on them.
Lastly, if your name coincides with a criminal or controversial character, make sure that all your profiles have your picture in them. That would avoid any kind of identity misinterpretation.
Point Out the Negative Stuff
Look for what’s bad out there about you on the internet. The red flags. Because removing these red flags is one of the most important parts of the reputation clean-up process.
Now, bad stuff can be of many types. It’s bad if:
- There are some negative or controversial opinions shared on the internet
- Inappropriate or embarrassing photos are present online
- A lot of complaints about you are there
- You are seen as associated with negative people
- Your name shown on the internet is inconsistent, maybe due to spelling errors
- You are being referred to illegal activities
- Media sites are publishing news related to your legal battles
The best advice in case of red flags and negative online stuff is to get these out of the way as soon as possible. Sometimes, deletion is not possible but burying negative links or info online is a way to remove bad stuff from the internet.
Don’t Ignore Negative Online Presence
For some people, cleaning up their online reputation becomes so big of a task that they end up deliberately deleting all their social media accounts. Some people go a step further and even change their last name.
Well, this nuclear approach might backfire. The employers or the people with whom you are going to work in the future are going to suspect you even more.
Because in 2024, everyone has some kind of (even if it’s little) online presence. And when there’s nothing either suspicious alarm rings or people think if the person is this limited in terms of online presence, then how limited he or she will be for the job.
The Internet is all about showcasing. It’s your playground where you show people how good a player you are. And a blank slate won’t help. It’s not appealing. It’s going to hold you back from better things.
Further, it’s not just about cleaning things up. You’ve got to have positive content about yourself on the internet. And having something related to you online is the only way instead of deleting everything.
Consider Cleaning Online Reputation as Early as Possible
No matter where you are, or what you are doing – start as early as possible. If you are a job seeker, a company owner, or about to start a venture – the biggest thing that’s going to come under the radar of recruiters, clients, and investors is your online reputation.
If it isn’t up to the mark, the recruiters will run, the clients won’t hire your company, and the investors won’t fund your startup.
That’s why reputation clean-up is important. Further, cleaning up a negative online presence takes time and a lot of effort. So, start as soon as possible.
Hire a Company that Cleans Up Your Online Presence
If you are not able to do all the above on your own, then hiring companies that clean up your online presence would help.
Online Reputation Guru is an expert at doing the same. We provide online reputation management services to people who want to clean up their online reputation.
We work towards suppressing negative search results, burying negative content, pushing down bad stuff, positioning positive content and assets, and building a positive brand of individuals, companies, and enterprises.
So, whenever the question of how to clean up your online reputation pops up in your mind, Online Reputation Guru’s reputation management services are the answer.
In what form can negative content be present online?
Negative content of negative search results of a person can be present in the form of blogs, articles, news links, individual social media posts, YouTube videos, other kinds of videos, images, forum messages, search listings, etc.
How to get third-party negative content get deleted?
Well, there are only two ways to do it. The first one is to ask for removal, outreach to the website that is hosting the content and politely request them to remove it. If they don’t accept your request, then you have to use the second way, which is to take legal action but only if you have solid grounds to do so such as copyrighted content or defamation claims.
What if it’s not possible to delete negative content?
If it’s not possible to delete negative content, suppression has to be the other way. In the process of suppression, the target is to replace all the negative content that there is and position positive content in its place.
How does suppression of negative search results work?
The process of suppression works by neutralizing the negative search results or content. Basically, it’s burying or pushing down the negative results in the SERPs from the first page to the second, third, fourth, and so on. A lot of positive content is created and published that outranks and eventually suppresses the negative content.
Can you delete search results from Google?
No, you can’t. Google does not allow deletion of content whether positive or negative. Instead, you can request for removal of content from the sites that have published it.
How do you fix your bad online reputation?
There are many ways to do that. Putting it concisely, asking for the removal of bad results, suppressing the negative results by adding more positive content, and creating a solid online social media presence that can eventually push down the negative content and clean up a bad online reputation.
How to clean your reputation on social media?
To clean your reputation on social media, check your social media content first, untag yourself from any unwanted social content whether images, videos, etc., switch to private accounts, hide negative comments or posts, edit your social bios, add new images, videos, and start posting fresh positive content.
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About Online Reputation Guru
Online Reputation Guru! Reshaping online reputation of individuals and brands since 2012. At Online Reputation Guru, Our expert’s understands how important your online reputation is and how to turn all negatives into positives for a better online presence.
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